Saturday, October 18, 2008

Time And Relative Dimensions In Space

In the Worlds before Monkey,
Primal chaos reigned, Heaven sought order.
But the Phoenix can fly only when its feathers are
The four worlds formed again and yet again,
As endless aeons wheeled and passed.
Time and the pure essences of Heaven,
The moistures of the Earth,
And the powers of the Sun and the Moon
All worked upon a certain rock - old as Creation,
And it magically became fertile.
That first egg was named Thought,
Tathagata Buddha, the Father Buddha,
Said, 'With our thoughts we make the world.'
Elemental forces caused the egg to hatch,
from it then came a stone Monkey.
The nature of Monkey was irrepressible!
From the TV series, Monkey!

It occurs to me that less than a week has passed since I started this project (and this blog) and to be honest I'm amazed with how far I've come in such a short period of time. At most, I've spent 3 to 4 hours a day on this and already I'm well advanced of where I actually expected to be by this point. I'd pat myself on the back, but all this physical exertion is giving me shoulder pains, so I'll tap myself on the knee whilst I sit here and tell myself "Well done!".

I doubt that tomorrow will see any real progress (if any at all) since we're taking The Mookalon off to the zoo for the day, and then we've Julias "un-party" late afternoon tomorrow, so this is probably a wrap for the week, but if next week is even half as productive as this has been I'll be well happy!

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